
Homeopathy for Asthma

Homeopathy, alternative medicine for 21st century, can significantly strengthen immune function, preventing asthma attacks and even removing the underlying cause of symptoms. The most successful approach to asthma is constitutional classical homeopathy. Classical homeopathy, with its 200-year history of treating individuals experiencing asthma symptoms, is the most consistently effective form of natural medical treatment for asthma. Homeopathy has also been proven effective for asthma treatment in double-blind clinical studies.

The effectiveness of homeopathy depends upon selecting the correct homeopathic medicine for the symptoms experienced by the individual suffering from asthma. The process of choosing the personalized homeopathic medicine for an asthma attack of the individual involves finding the closest match between the symptoms of coughing and wheezing and the description of symptoms for each homeopathic medicine.

The constitutional homeopathic medicine used to treat asthma symptoms in each client is a single substance that corresponds to the overall picture of the client’s physical symptoms, medical history, general metabolism, and behavior. This is known as the classical homeopathic approach.

I schedule a two to three hour initial appointment with the client who is seeking classical homeopathic treatment. The first interview includes a detailed history of the asthma, respiratory illnesses, and allergies, including factors and conditions that stimulate symptoms, the time of day when coughing occurs, food triggers, types of weather that aggravate respiratory problems, and the nature of the coughs. Such apparently inconsequential details as favorite foods, sleep position, fears, expressions of anger, nervous habits, reaction to change in temperature, and a whole range of idiosyncrasies, are also considered in the initial interview. When I compiled all the data, I decide which of these details best characterize the individual and then choose the medicine based on this encompassing view. At the end of the interview, I recommend the proper homeopathic medicine. 
Once the homeopathic remedy for the individual is chosen, it can be administered either in a single dose and/or in repeated daily doses. The typical effect of homeopathic care is a gradual reduction in asthmatic and other respiratory symptoms and the improvement of overall health, with less need for conventional drugs. I prefer conventional asthma medications to be continued during the beginning. Once symptoms are clearly stabilized then I suggest that the ongoing drug regimen can be gradually reduced under licensed practitioner’s supervision.

During a follow-up visit in two to four weeks, and usually monthly visits after that, I review symptom recurrence and improvement to determine whether the treatment has been effective. A medicine may need to be repeated or changed over the course of several months based on this evaluation of progress. The goal is a consistent lessening to complete absence of symptoms. I say client is successfully treated when she goes without any symptom recurrence for a year.

Because asthma can be triggered by colds, coughs, allergies and infectious illnesses, I might treat those conditions and we will call this form of treatment as acute homeopathic treatment. The general rule for prescribing any acute homeopathic medicine is to repeat the dose until symptoms improve, then stop and observe. If symptoms return, I recommend that the client begin the homeopathic medicine again. For asthma and cough, if no improvement is noted within 24 hours, I re-evaluate the medicine and change to an alternate homeopathic prescription. If symptoms change markedly after the first homeopathic medicine, then also I re-evaluate and consider a second homeopathic medicine. If a respiratory infection changes form, for example from a runny nose to a deep chest cough, it is often necessary to switch medicines.

Since asthma symptoms tend to recur in the same form in an individual I educate my clients, so that eventually each client becomes adept at managing the symptoms well.

Now to illustrate the above mentioned points, let us look at few homeopathic medicines. Differences in symptoms of homeopathic medicines help me guide which homeopathic medicine to choose for each client. Keep in mind I always choose the one that is most similar. (Homeo=similar, pathos=suffering) to client’s symptoms.

1. Lobelia: is the first medicine to think of when wheezing is accompanied by short, dry coughs. Shortness of breath is brought on by exposure to cold air and any exertion. The chest is tight and constricted.
2. Cuprum metallicum: is characterized by spasms, spasmodic coughing, and spasmodic vomiting. These suffering person experiences a painful constriction of the chest. Their cough is better from drinking cold water and worse in hot weather.
3. Kali carbonicum: One must sit up and lean forward in order to breathe more easily. Typically, they wake at 2 or 3 a.m. with a dry cough and wheezing. They must have open air when an attack occurs, but the cough is often brought on by cold weather.
4. Sambucus: Sudden spells of asthma that resembles croup in their intensity. The child awakes nearly suffocated, gasping for air until the attack passes. These sudden, dramatic attacks usually occur at night, with a hollow dry cough, which is worse lying down and worse in cold air.

5. Ipecacuanha: corresponds to more childhood asthma symptoms than any other medicine, including racking, rattling coughs, with rumbling in the chest, wheezing, and coughing with every breath, accompanied by nausea, gagging, or vomiting. Attacks occur in warm or damp weather, and symptoms improve in the open air. Mucus collects in the throat or chest, causing a loose gagging cough. Loud bubbling noises from congestion can be heard in the chest.
6. Antimonium tartaricum: There is a great deal of mucus in the chest, and very little is expectorated. Individuals seem weak and wheezy and appear sicker than those who need Ipecac. In Ipecac we see more rumbling chest sounds. One must sit up to breathe. The chest rattles and the cough is loose, worse in the evening and at night.


Reilly, D., et al. "Is Evidence for Homeopathy Reproducible?" Lancet 344 (Dec. 10, 1994): 1601-1606. This double-blind study of patients with severe asthma showed that, after four weeks of treatment with a homeopathic preparation of an allergen, the treatment group experienced significant relief of symptoms compared to the placebo control group.

Mothering magazine article by Randall Neustaedter


Sujata Owens, First Indian Homeopathic Medical Doctor to establish practice in USA, has been providing affordable, high quality, personalized homeopathic health care services in Northfield for 20+ years. She can be reached at If you have further questions or want to set up free 15 minute consult with Sujata, please call 507 645 4329. She offers classes through Northfield Community Ed and Rec. For further information on classes or on Homeopathy, please visit her website at

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